I am a Romantic Rebel making Alternative Songs for those who need a second chance.
I'm on kind of a second (life) chance of my own.

I spent decades bouncing from job to job,  then as a small business owner  of a failing snack food business, worrying about making payroll each week (if you know, you know.)

In 2014 I had an epiphany when my friend came in to my office and fiercely confronted me about leaving my failing snack food business behind and pursuing my dreams (music) full time. 

My friend was normally very mild mannered…

Generally not known for fierce confrontations.

But he was on a mission that day. And I heeded his call, and immediately started taking steps to close down the snack food business (what was left of it) and start doing music full time.

In less than a year, I was doing exactly that. And now I’ve doing what I love, writing songs and playing music.

I write about how great it feels to be alive, but also heartache in and out of relationships, and how it feels to be betrayed.

I also write songs with a groove that will have you dancing

Or have you thinking deeply about your life choices, good or bad.

Some of my songs will amuse you with their humor.

And I’d like to share some of my music with you

….by giving you my recent CD of 14 songs for FREE!!!
(All you have to do is pay $5 for shipping).

($21 for International shipping).

Good question!!

I’ve been involved with music all my life. I’ve been playing in bands and writing music since high school. I even led a blues band In Kobe, Japan for about a year.

No matter what i was doing or what was my job, music was never very far away from my heart and mind.  



Another good question!!!

Well, I believe you have to live life before you can write about it. And most of the songs I write come from personal experiences, and more than that, personal emotions.

I want my music to make you feel something.

I would rather authentically reach 1 person deep into their soul than be surface music for millions.

A recent message I got from a young woman actually brought tears to my eyes, tears of gratitude. She wrote that she was in her first semester of college, feeling very stressed out about her life at the moment, and that somehow my music was a great comfort to her with where she was at.

Her testimonial email gave me fuel to keep going for weeks. And I get messages and comments like that almost daily. (For which I am sooo grateful!) So I’m looking for more people to share my music with, and hopefully (since you are still with me this far down the page), that might be you.


($21 for International shipping).
You can choose to send more as a sort of Tip of Gratitude or Support, but you don’t have to.


So what do you get?

1) You get my album, “Everything I Learned In Grade School” in CD form, AND all the mp3 files by downloadable link.

I wrote or co-wrote every one of the 14 songs. Its my first full length album, and I am so proud of all the songs on this album.

The picture on the cover is a current photo of the actual 1 room school house I attended in grades 1-4 on the plains of eastern South Dakota. The building has long since been abandoned, but its still standing.



2) You get my personal autograph written with a Sharpie on the CD. I hope this first transaction will be the beginning of a long term connection between us through music. I personally pack every order (this is no big corporate organization, its just me!), and I respond to every email I receive personally. I’ll also include a personal note thanking you for the order!

3) You’ll get a bonus Tim Wolf logo stickers!



4) You’ll get a shipping confirmation email (with a tracking number) when your package ships. Remember this isn’t Amazon Prime, so please bear with me and give me grace as its just me packing and shipping these.  I do sign every CD and write a personal Thank You note to every customer. 

5) Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with your order, I will refund your money, no questions asked.

You have nothing to lose!!!